1932 Los Angeles Olympics

Model A Ford Garage

Gear Shift Ball

The pics below show a very cool era collectible. It is a souvenir shift lever ball from the 1932 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. No Deuce is complete without one!

More related information on Ford Garage:

  1. For more Model A & B related information, use the Site Search box at the top or bottom of this page.
  2. Model A & B 1932 Los Angeles Olympics License Plate Topper
  3. Model A & B Gear Shift Lever Ball Variations
  4. Model A 1928 Gear Shift Lever and Tower Assembly
  5. Model A Transmission Shift Lever Differences
  6. Model B Transmission Shift Lever
  7. Model A Shift Lever Butler Finish Details
  8. Model A Shift Lever Spring Compressor and Removal Tool

August 2005