
Original Model A

Ford Garage

1931 Victoria 190-A Details

I recently received these pics from Mr. David Moore of his great unrestored original 1931 Model A Victoria. Thanks for sharing them!

It looks like a very nice original car! Here is the story in his own words:

The Vicky is all original and all there including the top. It was found in a garage in New York where it had been for over 50 years.

It was purchased new by a minister who was also a bachelor, so the only wear is on the drivers seat. It is a steel back with an indented fire wall.

It is a Murray body that only has 30,000 miles. The interior is brown wool with a gold stripe that was only used from June 1931 to the end of production.

I took the car to Williamsburg (MARC National Meet) in 2007 and it scored 405 points and received it MARC of Originality "Excellent". Most of the lost points was due to cleanliness.

It had a coating of creosote all over it from being near an oil burning furnace for 50+ years. I soaked the car with Kroil penetrating oil and the creosote dissolved. It also has all the dings and scratches that you would expect for a car that has survived this long.

Wow! Look at those original top moldings and top!

David Moore
March 2009

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  2. Model A 1931 Victoria 190-A Top Moldings
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